Mental health

Turning our inner demons into our better angels

Bioidentical hormones and Nutrition can improve psychological and psychiatric issues

Mental Health is really Brain Health.

We address brain health with a combination of nutritional supplements (after testing) that support brain health, bio-identical hormones, along with bio-active lipids after fatty acid evaluation (from Kennedy Kreiger Peroxisomal Lab at Johns Hopkins Medical Center), mental exercise/ meditation/neurofeedback training/’Holosync technology’, and mild physical exercise along with removal of environmental toxins.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can improve many psychological and psychiatric issues such as: Autism Spectral Disorder, Sleep disorders, Burn-out Syndome, improved Sexual Arousal, Depression, Slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, Irritability, Anxiety, Hypochondria,  Social Withdrawal, Bipolar disorders, and Schizophrenia.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can also play an important role in the treatment of those affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Head trauma leading to neurobehavioral changes occurs due to inflammation, free radicals and hormone deficiencies. In this lecture “In Search of the Prozac Gland,” Mark L Gordon, MD shares the links between his depression and head trauma. Watch it HERE.

By first quenching the free radicals, decreasing oxidative stress, and decreasing the inflammatory cytokines creates a conducive environment for the brain to heal (a neuro-permissive environment). Then, by replenishing and balancing bio-identical hormones such as DHEA, Pregnenolone, Human Growth Hormone (which after age 18 is really a repair hormone), Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone, Thyroid hormone and Cortisol, people have a good chance to recover and reclaim their lives. Finally, loss of consciousness is not a pre-requisite for  brain injury. Even if you never lost consciouness, brain injury can occur which can affect your pituitary and hypothalamus and the production and release of numerous hormones. 

Testosterone and depression. View here

Acetyl L-Carnitine in Major Depressive Disorder. View here

Vitamin D3 is a seco-steroid and along with other Micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) and Antioxidants (like Vitamin C) and judicious use of particular Fats (after RBC Membrane Fatty Acid testing done through Kennedy Kreiger Peroxisomal Lab at Johns Hopkins Medical Center) can improve neuropsychiatric conditions.

Being vital and well depends on who you consider yourself to be. You must create a context of wellness. Landon Carter offers advice to usher you to wellness and how you show up in life HERE.

If the medicines prescribed for you have not significantly improved your quality of life, consider our approach to these issues. 

Dr. Bieley has treatments for tobacco smoking, secondhand smoke exposure (adults and children), pregnant smokers, and those who have just quit smoking (helps to stay stopped). His unique perspective was granted a US Patent #8,889,194.

Call for your appointment today and get started on your new patient forms HERE.

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 “I truly believe things happen for a reason and our paths were meant to cross. You have given me the feeling of health, wellness and energy, which I will appreciate forever. I can’t measure my appreciation with words. For the first time in my life, I don’t feel lethargic during the day. Without caffeine, I have an amazing energy and vibrancy that is new to me. Maybe I was I was sick all my life and just never was diagnosed with deficiencies that you corrected. For the past year, I was extremely sick. I had bloodwork, an MRI, ultrasounds and many other unpleasants test because I was lethargic, had stomach pains and was overall very ill.  After our consultation, in which you spend a long time with me with compassion and understanding, you diagnosed me quickly. Along with feeling well and energetic, I also think clearer and with focus. I always thought I had slight ADD. Thanks Dr. Bieley!”

Jane Rumbaua